Southern b.C. copper & gold Exploration 

Major Highways - Power Lines - Milling Facilities

North Valley Resources is focused on exploring the infrastructure-rich Nicola and Kamloops Mining Districts, applying modern exploration technology to previously underexplored Copper & Gold properties.  The Company's management team and company directors have substantial boots-on-the-ground prospecting and exploration experience within the Districts, driving new exploration opportunities.

North Valley's flagship Comstock Property offers the opportunity for first-time, comprehensive, modern exploration of sixteen newly-consolidated, highly-mineralized Copper-Gold-Silver-Zinc showings located next to the Coquihalla Highway and 15 kms south of Merritt, B.C.

Mining activity in the Nicola District has been steady since the 1800's, but exploration activity has fluctuated significantly during periods of underinvestment and inactivity through much of the last 40 years.

The door has been left open for new discoveries within the district.

Today, with its rich history, the Nicola Mining districts offers both the potential of a new discovery as well as the advantages of an active mining district with proximity to world-class infrastructure (milling, roads, hydroelectricity) and population centers.

The Comstock Property is accessed from the Coquihalla Highway, 15 kms south of Merritt, B.C and is a 3-hr drive from Vancouver, B.C.

The Historic Quesnel Trough & Emerging Spences Bridge Gold Belt