Comstock Gold & Copper
Strategic Location In Southern B.C. Mining Country
Year-round access from major four-lane Coquihalla highway
Proximity to:
Prominent epithermal and porhyry deposits (Craigmont, New Afton, Highland Valley)
Active mines (Teck Resources Highland Valley Copper, New Gold New Afton, Copper Mountain)
Milling facilities (Nicola Mining Craigmont, New Gold New Afton)
Recent discoveries ( Westhaven Gold Shovelnose, Kodiak Copper MPD)
Southwestern extent of Quesnel Terrane
Western belt of Nicola Volcanic Group
Comstock Geology Overview (Gold-Rich VMS & Porphyry Potential)
3,610 contiguous hectares
The property lies within the Western Belt of the Nicola Volcanic Group at the south-western extent of the Quesnel Terrane. The property sits near several prominent epithermal and porphyry deposits within the Nicola Group including Highland Valley Copper Mine, New Craigmont Mine, New Afton Mine, and the Copper Mountain Mine.
The geological setting of the Comstock Property allows for the potential of both volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits from the period of the Nicola arc emergence as well epithermal and porphyry deposit potential from its geographic location to intrusive bodies related to know porphyry-type mineral deposits.
A recently completed comprehensive geophysics program has identified anomalies below historic shallow drilling completed in 1988, revealing the potential for a porphyry system at depth. Historic drilling on the Comstock property was limited to 60m and ended in mineralization.
Additionally, recent geophysics (radiometrics) has identified the presence of a second, large rhyolite zone with Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization, further demonstrating a known, typical component of historic dual Au-rich VMS & Porphyry deposits (illustration below).
*unverified data based on historic filings with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation
Historic Leadville Production Shaft:
1920s Ag-Pb-Zn production (1.86 oz/t Ag, 16% Pb, .67% Zn)
Historic Comstock Exploration*
Shallow Drilling Highlights
Completed 1988 and limited to 60 m vertical depth
9 holes, 567 m total
Original-Diane Zone:
24.7 gpt Au intercept (.75M interval)
> 0.97% Cu intercepted in four holes (0.61 m, 0.92 m, 1.0 m, 1.22 m intervals)
Sampling Highlights (up to):
Diane Zone: 27.19% Cu
Victoria Adit: 56.1 gpt Au, 14% Cu
Island Adit: 2.42% Cu
LA Zone: 1.6% Zn
Lowell Zone: 0.71% Cu
LD Showing: 2.96 gpt Au, 2.17% Cu, 2.3% Zn
South Zone: 5.28% Cu
Zinc Zone: 5.4% Zn
High Cu: 2.93% Cu
Coq New Showing: 2.93% Cu
Comstock Showing: 1.2% Cu, 428 gpt Ag, .738% Zn
2023 New Rhyolite Zone Discovery
2023 airborne radiometric survey identified second rhyolite zone in southwest portion of property
Each rhyolite zone ~1.5 km x 750m+
Rhyolite zones border historic Au-Cu intercepts & newly identified anomalies
Rhyolite zones host Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization
Longstanding rhyolite zone (in red) hosts historic Comstock Leadville production shaft
Rhyolite zones have had limited IP surveys and one drill hole
2023 Refined Drill Targets
Multiple 1km+ anomalies identified at Original Diane, South Zone, and STG Zone
Strong geophysical links between Diane, South, STG zones
Targets at depth, below historic 60m intercepts
Original Diane Zone Historic Intercepts:
24.7 gpt Au (.75m interval)
Four holes > .9% Cu
South & STG zones underexplored to-date
Nelles, D.M. - Diamond Drilling Report on the Stirling Group (Diane 1-5 Mineral Claims) for Abermin Corporation. July 20, 1988. AR 17721.